Wet noses, slobbery kisses, and big puppy dog eyes are enough to make any heart melt!  After working a 7 day week, there is nothing more mentally relaxing than taking solace in volunteering at K-9 Angels Rescue here in Uptown Park, Houston.  Rescue dogs are special because they have come from all walks of life, but no matter how horrible their pasts may be, they still find a way to love unconditionally.  K-9 Angels Rescue is run by three amazing women- Mary, Christine, and Debbie, all of whom have dedicated a large portion of their lives to helping dogs all around Houston to find their forever home.

I have been lucky enough to see a number of dogs get adopted.  And while all of these dogs have their own unique personalities, there were a few that stuck with me.  There was Cowgirl who had the unfortunate luck of being left behind by her family when a huge storm hit.  She found a piece of wood that she was sitting on to avoid the rising water when she was rescued.  When I met her, she was so sweet and cuddly that I would have never known all that she had been through if someone hadn’t told me her story.  Then there was Moonshine, a maltese poodle mix, who was sitting quietly in her crate, wagging her tail and looking up at me.  All she wanted was to be held and played with.  She had no idea that her breed is something that so many people want and are willing to pay a lot of money to get.

A lot of people avoid going to a shelter because they often think that it will be too depressing.  But after my first time volunteering with K-9 Angels, I walked away feeling just the opposite.  I felt re-energized and happy to be helping such a great cause.  Not to mention, all of the dogs there just brightened my day as they looked up at me in anticipation, only wanting to be taken for a walk.   Several of these dogs just barely escaped the fate of being euthanized when the ladies of K-9 Angels came to their rescue.  These lucky animals seem to know that they have been saved because they show an extra amount of love to their rescuers.  Volunteering here is a win win situation not only for the dogs but for me as well.  When I am on a walk with these appreciative animals, there is absolutely no where else I would rather be!