Pop goes the weasel!  This tune was all I had to hear as a kid and I would be rushing out of the door waiting for the ice cream truck to turn onto our street.  I recently relived this nostalgic feeling except the truck wasn’t serving ice cream, it was making hot dogs!  Now that I am vegetarian, hot dogs are one treat that I thought I was never going to be able to have again.  But Good Dog Food Truck here in Houston not only offers beef and pork dogs, but tofu dogs as well.  It’s pretty rare for me and Purav to both think a place is delicious, but this food truck won us both over.

The Chi Town Dog, the New Yorker, the Guac a Dog, there were just too many options! Purav ordered first and decided on the Chillin Dog which was made with beef and chorizo chili, pickled jalapenos, onions, and mustard.  I finally decided to make my own custom order and got a tofu dog with mustard, jalapeno relish, and sriracha ketchup.  That’s right, I said sriracha ketchup!  What a great idea!  Ketchup on a hot dog is a classic condiment but adding sriracha to it just gives it an amazing kick.  When I placed my order, I told the man in the window that I was so excited that they had tofu dogs, and his response just put a huge smile on my face.  He said “We wouldn’t have it any other way.”

When our order was ready we sat down and I think I just stared at my hot dog for a minute because it looked almost too pretty to eat.  The hot dog was topped with all of the delicious hand-made condiments and then served in a buttery bun that was toasted to perfection.  I took one bite and I felt like I fell silent because I was  in hot dog heaven!  I couldn’t believe that what I was eating was made out of tofu. I made Purav take a bite also and even he was in awe of how good it tasted.  And coming from a self-proclaimed carnivore, that is huge.  Purav was also raving about the chili on his hot dog.  I think we devoured our food in a matter of a few minutes.  And what was so cool was that I didn’t walk away feeling overly full.  It was just the perfect amount of food.  I will definitely be visiting this food truck again!