Cupcakes at 3 am? Sure, why not!  Now all sprinkles addicts can get their cupcake
fix at any hour with the new ATM Machine that dispenses these delectable treats 24 hours a day!  The touch screen allows you to scroll through a bunch of different flavors before making your selection.  My personal favorite is the chocolate marshmallow.  The delicious marshmallow cream and the chocolate ganache frosting remind me of a fancier version of the hostess cupcakes we used to love as children.  Once you have made your selection, a camera appears on the screen and shows a robotic arm going through the back shelves to pull out the selected cupcake.  Then the arm places the cupcake in the dispenser and voila!, in a matter of minutes this freshly baked dessert is in your hands.   Just one bite of  these delicious gourmet cupcakes and you will feel a huge goofy smile forming on your face!

I was lucky enough to witness this new Sprinkles invention in Beverly Hills, CA this past weekend.  While we didn’t get a cupcake that day, my 4 year old niece, Cyrin, had an even better surprise for us.  Sprinkles Ice Cream!  She held my hand and led me through the streets, getting faster and more excited as we got closer.  It was a land of Sprinkles.  Between the the actual cupcakes store, the new ATM machine, and the ice cream store, it was impossible to make a wrong choice.  We grabbed our ice cream, I got captain crunch and my niece got vanilla ,and we sat in an open window and watched as a bunch of people walked by to use the Cupcake ATM.

You might think that if you are getting cupcakes out of a machine there is a possibility that they might be stale.  But don’t worry the bakery works round the clock to provide the freshest cupcakes!  You can even get a cupcake for your dog.  And one more final bit of good news,  plans are in the works to bring these machines to Houston!!  I will definitely need to invest in some stretchy pants before that happens!