Mmmmm an ice-cold coca cola on a hot day with just the perfect amount of fizz!  And I’m not talking about just a regular soda from the can, I’m talking about an extra fizzy coke you can only get from a fast food fountain.   This perfect coke is what my cousins and I are on the search for when we all get together.   I’m not even a big soda drinker so it surprises me how much I crave it the minute I’m around my family.  When we finally find our perfect fountain soda, we crack open a bag of cheeto puffs or grab some Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets (them not me, i’m vegetarian) and just lay back and relax.  After a lot of taste testing I think we agreed that our favorite fountain soda was from a fast food restaurant in New York City called Ranch 1.  After a late night out in the city there was nothing more refreshing than a fizzy coke from Ranch 1. This is one of my most favorite things about my family.  I can sit at home and stress out about work and money and all the big crazy things in life.  But the minute I’m around my sister Payal and my cousins Priya, Kanchan, Sheetal and Meeta, the only thing that seems to matter is how to get our fountain soda.  Now while we usually avoid cans, my cousins Priya and Kanchan have a theory about “Christmas Coke”.   Specifically, the cans that have a santa on them that come out around the beginning of December.  They seem to think that these cans have been packed with an extra amount of fizz, and I have to say I agree.  You can tell right after opening the tab off a can of Christmas Coke that you are about to drink something amazing because of the extra long crackling sound you hear.  It’s almost as though the Coca Cola execs are giving us an early Christmas present.  Don’t believe me? Test it out next Christmas!  Yumm just the thought of Christmas coke gets me excited.  A fizzy coke is one of those little joys in life that can brighten up any bad day.  I wanted to write this blog to share some of those simple pleasures that make life worth living!